Co-Venturing & Collaboration
Unlike most business consultancies whose relationships with clients are based on payment in exchange for services and a culture of competition, Ethos co-ventures with its business partners and establishes a culture of collaboration based on our behaviour manifesto, resulting in better outcomes for all.
An integral part of much of our work is to facilitate and develop a successful and sustainable collaborative process for each project, through the development of a central ‘hub’. Our innovative model enables organisations to collaborate across existing boundaries, through aligned purpose, technology & data, and shared processes & business models, with key elements such as team, portfolio and financial management, communications and data handling being centrally guided from the hub.
Key features and advantages of our approach include:
- improved capability
- development and sustaining of collaborative behaviours
- improved risk management and insights into likely realities/challenges
- early surfacing of expectations, needs, concerns & risks.
- better relationship building to aid facilitation of successful project communications
- self-sustaining ecosystem development
In particular, Ethos has a range of capabilities – people, process & technology – that add value to many dimensions in the domain of building effective hubs around complex multi-stakeholder issues such as public service funding cuts (see video below about our work in Reading) and skills gaps.