Carolyn Dare

Somerset Biochar

For the past 3 years I’ve been involved mainly in community projects. I set up the Blackdown Hills Eco Hub ( leading biochar development and coordinating research projects with Plymouth University. I’m a Trustee for Climate Action Taunton and Secretary for BHTG. I also manage the accounts for a couple of small businesses and I’m a Transformational Coach, supporting people through life changes.

I’m a facilitator with Trust The People, who offer a free course for those wanting to build skills/capability to engage with local communities, also facilitating various People’s Assemblies.

Previously I was part of the UK coordination team for Climate Emergency Centres. I’ve also worked with Take The Jump. I’m bringing our years of behavioural change experience to supporting local resilient communities who together have the wisdom to tackle the complicated challenges they’re facing.

I’ve also developed online learning programmes for individuals (Project Management, Personal Energy Management, Learning Transfer: ttps://

Based on our years of research, we developed our Empowered Achiever App (Google/Apple) supporting individuals to become aware of the unconscious barriers that may be preventing them from applying learning or changing behaviour.

6 years ago we created a MOOC Introduction to Learning Transfer (5200+ participants to date) and 5 years ago we developed our Learning Transfer for SHRD, now hosted on our co-created platform

We partner with organisations to support their work in learning transfer and increase performance and behavioural change in people. We ensure that a higher % of learning is transferred into the job, changing behaviour (tracked and measured). We supply hard data on the behavioural change and a final ROI measurement on the people investment. (Using TransferLogix).

I lived in Belgium for 32 years and worked across Europe as a trainer in leadership and human side of change management, as well as a transformational coach.

Member of CoP for Transformational Media Creation with Mark Allan Kaplan, Jonathan Steigman,
Co-Evolve Campus.

Specialties: Building community, Consultant Learning Transfer – TransferLogix / Behavioural change / Increasing leadership capability / Leadership Development Centre facilitation / Change management / Team Dvpt / Dynamics / Using simulations for learning / Design of virtual learning communities / Facilitation of on-line groups/team building/facilitating networks/organising events